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Retreats & Workshops

Dear english speaking friends: In the last  years I was mainly teaching in German, developing my heart project: The Radical Rest Retreat. 

In 2025 I will be teaching this retreat in English as well. You will find all dates and information on this website.

Looking forward to seeing you  !

If you are interested in the German speaking RADICAL REST RETREATS 2024 - deutschsprachige RADICAL REST RETREATS 2024 please click here.


The Power of Self-Compassion – Free Introduction Workshop

with Wiebke Pausch and Anja Benesch


Friday, September 20, 2024

19:00 – 20:30

This Free Introductory session is part of the weekend workshop (see below)


Weekend Workshop: Soft Front – Strong Back: Exploring Tender and Fierce Self-Compassion

with Wiebke Pausch and Anja Benesch


September 21 & 22, 2024 | all day

With Self-Compassion we can access a sense of a loving, connected and supportive presence. In order to be truly self-compassionate – in order to be whole – we need to integrate both versions of self-compassion, the tender and the fierce.

Comforting and Soothing practices are teaching us how to be with ourselves in a gentle and tender way, which helps us to gain inner strength.

Fierce Compassion – the action-oriented side of self-compassion – enables us to see a situation with clarity, giving us the courage to act skillfully and effectively in the world.

In this workshop we will explore together

❥ how to comfort and soothe ourselves with Tender Compassion,

❥ how to protect and motivate ourselves with Fierce Compassion,

❥ how to take a Self-Compassionate Break from a challenging situation,

❥ Mindfulness and Self-Compassion practices for everyday life.

Workshop Schedule 

Friday September 20: 19:00 – 20:30: The Power of Self-Compassion – Free Introduction
Saturday September 21: 09:30 – 12:00 and 13:30 – 16:00
Sunday September 22:   10:00 – 12:30 and 14:00 – 16:00

To benefit from this workshop and to promote a safe space for participants, the workshop has to be attended in total and it’s not possible to join only for one day.


Early bird Discount: €180 (available until Juin 30, 2024)
Regular fee: €200
Discount for students, unemployed people and the retired: €180


Bodhicharya, Buddhistisches Zentrum, Kinzigstr. 25-29, 10247 Berlin


To register for the course please send me an email


© Wiebke Pausch 2023

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