Change is not a threat to your life, but an invitation to live - Adrienne Rich
Free places available:
Mindfulness / Mindful Self-Compassion Mentoring.
Have you been meditating for a while and need support? This is an offer for people with a new or established meditation practice who need guidance, refinement and support to deepen their practice with the help of an experienced teacher.
If you find yourself in any of the following points, my guidance could be particularly valuable to you:
I've been meditating for a while, have established a routine, but don't know what to do next or how to continue practicing.
Obstacles have arisen in my meditation practice. Boredom, lack of motivation, unfamiliar body experience experiences, falling asleep, intense inner images, strong emotions.
I need guidance on how best to integrate my meditation practice and what I have learned into everyday life at the workplace and with friends and family.
I have attended a mindfulness/self-compassion course and want to work through issues that have arisen for me.
I am just starting a mindfulness and self-compassion practice. I need help building a sustainable practice that is adapted to my life.
I offer you support at any stage of the spiritual journey, whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner. This is an offer for people who feel a longing for personal growth and spiritual depth and would like to engage in a regular mindfulness/self-compassion practice.
60 minutes: 80€
Consultations in English/French/German
All sessions take place online via Zoom or Skype.
You can book an initial session with me by email or phone 017647696717 for a free 15 minute orientation.
Creative Embodied Inquiry
This work is for you when
you feel "stuck" and tired of unhealthy repetitive patterns.
you feel the urge to change your current work/relationship/living situation and you don't know how.
you are in a life transition (midlife/menopause/separation etc) and you need a clear and warm-hearted support in your process.
you want to learn tools to develop an embodied and loving connection with yourself and others.
Consultations in English/French/German
I am offering in-person sessions in BERLIN and ONLINE sessions worldwide. I am using Zoom or Skype. I will send you the links and offer you guidance if you are not familiar in using these tools.
60min - 80€â€‹
Cancellation 24 hours before the appointment, by phone or email is free of charge. The total session fee is due if you do not show up for the appointment without cancelling.
How I work
My approach is using the immediate embodied experience and creative tools to meet and explore whatever arises with respect and compassionate presence.
During a session I will guide you to inquire gently into your felt experience. Body knowledge reveals deep insights into complex connections – old belief systems and ideas about ourselves become visible.
Frozen emotions and unhealthy patterns of behaviour can be released, which has an immediate effect on our lived experience.
Establishing an intimate contact with your body and mind helps you to develop a direct, authentic connection with yourself and others and to meet life with more ease and joy.
Through Mindfulness and Self-Compassion you become aware of your needs and to learn to give yourself what you are deeply longing for.
Why use Embodiment ?
In painful life situations we usually give a lot of attention to thoughts and stories about ourselves and others. We might feel overwhelmed by feelings, or we become disconnected and shut down.
Every emotion and every thought has a resonance in the body and every experience leaves an "imprint" in our system. For this reason, physical sensations, reactions and feelings can still appear long after an event has occurred. Navigating safely through our physical experiences can enable us to shift the tracks of our nervous systems and transform challenging emotions.
Why using Creative Tools?​
Sometimes we have no words for our feelings and suffering.
There are moments when our inner experience can be expressed more easily through creative methods like colours, materials, movement and music.
This enables a new approach to the body and the emotions.
Complex connections become visible, the perspective expands and new possibilities for action are opening up. The lived experiences during the therapeutic process can then be transferred into everyday life.
You do not need any previous knowledge of painting or artistic skills.​
Tools and Methods​
Creative Art Therapy
Body-Centered Inquiry
Embodied Meditation
Mindful Self-Compassion.
Consultations in English/French/German
All sessions take place online via Zoom
You can book an initial session with me by email or phone 49+17647696717 for a free 15 minute orientation.