Mindful Self-Compassion
What is Mindful Self-Compassion?
Self-compassion provides emotional strength and resilience, allowing us to admit our shortcomings, motivate ourselves with kindness, forgive ourselves when needed, relate wholeheartedly to others, and be more authentically ourselves.
Rapidly expanding research demonstrates that self-compassion is strongly associated with emotional wellbeing, less anxiety, depression and stress, maintenance of healthy habits such as diet and exercise, and satisfying personal relationships. And it’s easier than you think.
The 3 components of Self-Compassion
Kindness opens our hearts to suffering, so we can give ourselves what we need.
Common humanity opens us to our essential interrelatedness, so that we know we aren’t alone.
Mindfulness opens us to the present moment, so we can accept our experience with greater ease. Together they comprise a state of warm-hearted, connected presence.
Tender and Fierce Aspects of Self-Compassion
“Self-compassion allows us to be with ourselves as we are in all of our brokenness. Fierce compassion calls on us to be brave, to take action, to do something to mitigate suffering.” – Kristin Neff
For whom is it suitable?
Self-compassion can be learned by anyone, even those who didn’t receive enough affection in childhood or who feel uncomfortable when they are good to themselves. It’s a courageous attitude that stands up to harm, including the harm that we unwittingly inflict on ourselves through self-criticism, self-isolation, or self-absorption.
You can find my guided meditations on the App Insight Timer
This is a guided audio practice "Self-Compassion Break" It is an informal practice that you can easily apply in daily life:
MSC Programs 2023
Mindful Self-Compassion 5 Days INTENSIVE for LGBTIQ+
with Markus Bohlmann
07.08. - 11.08.2023
This adaptation of the Mindful Self-Compassion program addresses the needs of the LGBTIQ+ community as it offers an environment of belonging. We as members of the community (no allies, please) learn about and practice self-compassion together and begin to engage in the two energies of self-compassion, that is, tender and fierce, and apply them to our lives as LGBTIQ+ folks.
MSC 5 Day Intensive Format (in person but non-residential)
August 07: 6:30pm - 9pm CET
August 8-11: 10am - 1pm and 2:30pm-6pm CET
August 10: 7:30pm -9 pm CET
MSC 5 Day Intensive Format (in person but non-residential)
At the completion of this course, participants will begin to:
Describe the theory and research supporting mindful self-compassion, in particular as they apply to LGBTIQ+
Develop and use self-compassion practices to alleviate minority stress
Discern and manage difficult situations and emotions, in particular shame, with greater moment-to-moment acceptance and kindness
Engage in topics of intimacy and consent
Develop awareness around and the capacity to befriend anger and the pain of rejection in the context of our LGBTIQ+ lives
Transform difficult relationships, old and new, through self-validation and self-worth
Utilize the art of savoring and self-appreciation to overcome negative attention bias
Develop a deeper sense of what it means to be in community
Course Venue:
Die Nieuwe Yogaschool. The New Yoga School, Laurierstraat 109, Amsterdam, NL. Website: https://denieuweyogaschool.nl/
All participants will be provided with a copy of The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook (by Kristin Neff and Chris Germer) and mp3 audio files with guided meditations from the teachers.
Why choose the intensive format?
In this MSC intensive course, the content of the MSC adaptation for LGBTQ+ is taught over five consecutive days. The intensive training format is an alternative to the longer online MSC adaptation. The intensive allows participants to immerse themselves fully in MSC and deepen both their understanding and practice of MSC while enlivening their experience of what it means to be in community with like-minded folks from the LGBTIQ+ community.
Talks & Meditations from Wiebke on Sangha Live - in English​
“Awaken Self-Compassion” - watch the replay here
For many of us it is easier to be friendly and compassionate with others than with ourselves. Old conditioning, limiting beliefs of not being worthy of love and are confining our hearts. Compassion is an essential part of our true nature. We all know how to be gentle and compassionate with ourselves – this is how we survived situations of suffering and loss in our lives. This week we will be exploring how to awaken Self-Compassion, allowing our hearts to soften and open with care. With a tender heart we begin naturally to respond to the world around us with clarity and compassion.
“You can search the whole tenfold universe and not find a single being more worthy of love and compassion than the one seated here—yourself.” Buddha
Next offer in spring 2024
This LOMSC addresses the needs of the LGBTQIAP2S+ community. It offers an environment of inclusivity and belonging where we members of the community (no allies, please) learn and practice self-compassion together and begin to apply the two energies of self-compassion - tender and fierce - to our lives as queer folks.
LOMSC Objectives: At the completion of this activity, participants will begin to:
Describe the theory and research supporting mindful self-compassion, especially as they pertain to LGBTQIAP2S+ folks
Develop and apply self-compassion practices to alleviate minority stress
Discern and manage difficult situations and emotions, in particular shame, with greater moment-to-moment acceptance
Develop and apply self-compassion practices to respond to feelings of failure or inadequacy and the pain of rejection with self-kindness
Transform difficult relationships, old and new, through self-validation and self-worth
Utilize the art of savoring and self-appreciation to overcome negative attention bias
Develop a deeper sense of what it means to be in community
More Information here
Next MSC 8 Week Training Program
with Co-teacher Anja Benesch
in Berlin
Next offer in spring 2024
The course is like a journey that is also an adventure in self-knowledge and self-compassion. Self-compassion has the paradoxical effect of both caring for us in the face of our emotional suffering and opening us up to the pain we may have been holding unconsciously for a long time. Therefore, it is likely that during the course, distressing feelings will emerge alongside many pleasant ones as we grow in our ability to experience and heal them. The course offers a safe and supportive setting in a small group where this process can unfold.
It is open to all who are interested; meditation experience is not necessary to participate. All are welcome!
In the MSC 8 Week Course, you will learn the following:
Be less critical and hard on yourself
Apply mindfulness and self-compassion in everyday life
Experience for yourself the proven positive effects of self-compassion
Deal with difficult feelings more calmly
Motivating yourself with kindness instead of self-criticism
Transform challenging relationships
To better deal with caring fatigue​
This MSC online course is one of the prerequisites for the MSC Teacher Training.
Read how participants feel and think about undergoing our Mindful Self-Compassion programs and Workshops with us. We surely do enjoy every participant’s presence, and feel that it is an honor to accompany human beings on their path of self-discovery and compassionate action.
I have never actually attended courses like this neither in person, nor online, but I was surprised how connected I felt to the instructors as well as the other participants. I don’t think attending this class in person would have made a big difference in terms of feeling connected. Applying exercises such as the soften, soothe, allow as well as labeling emotions really helped me to feel more centered and less involved in mind activity. Self compassion is a lifelong journey. I now have some tools under my belt that I can apply and practice every day. Thank you so much again!
Xenia (04/2021)
What are you taking away from this program? “A lot. And not just the exercises for coping with everyday situations, but also the continuous exercise of getting closer to the parts of myself that I tend to avoid. Thank you. I feel energized, I feel ready to embrace my emotions and I am very grateful to you for helping me get to this stage. I was definitely surprised at how close I felt to the group, i.e. a group of complete strangers, even though the whole course was online. Although I would have preferred to take the course in person, I will certainly consider online courses in the future after this course.”
Sarah (April 2021)
“I highly reccomend the workshop of Mindful-self Compassion for those who want to refresh their experience of a former class or discover the practice of self compassion. You will be lead to deep meditaitons of warm hearted trainers and have the possibility to chat with a conscious people.”
Aline (01/2021)
„Despite the brevity of time this 6 week course was such a profound and helpful support. I am really positively surprised. It was possible to consolidate in this online program some short, benevolent and at the same time strengthening interventions
that help me to navigate through difficult situations/emotions. Thank you so much Anja and Wiebke!“
Tara (10/2020)
“I liked the fact that we received different tools to use in everyday life, and that we could learn different kinds of meditations so that at the end we had the possibility to choose what we like the most and what works best for us. I also liked the breaks in small groups because they gave us the possibility to get to know the other participants a bit better.”
Anonymous (09/2020)
“Amazing workshop which trained me on Mindfulness and Self-Compassion. Great atmosphere, talented trainers and supporting hands-on exercises.“
Anonym (April 2019)
“Highly recommended! Do yourself something good, take a lot home and enjoy a positive and encouraging atmosphere.“
Sandra (04/2019)
“An inspiring, enlightening and motivating workshop, led with warmth, wisdom and openness. Thank you.“
Sophie (04/2019)
“I had few expectations upon starting the MSC course, apart from hoping to learn about self-compassion, as I needed some. I’m so glad I followed my instincts: after just eight weeks I feel more positive, lighter and am kinder to myself and others. The course gave me tools to develop and maintain an appreciation of daily life, with all its ups and downs, and Anja and Wiebke created a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere in which I felt comfortable sharing my experiences with the group. I can heartily recommend doing this course with them!”
Sophie (04/2017)
“Anja and Wiebke took us on an inspiring 8-week journey to become more patient, caring and less critical with ourselves. I am happy that I have joined this program and still benefit from it every single day.”
Stefanie B., 25, student (02/2017)
“At the MSC group I found support, Community, and practical tools to use on a daily basis. The tools, or Core Meditations have helped me to be in touch with my emotions, to give myself care and support, to be compassionate to myself in moments of difficulty, to soothe my heart and nervous system. I have a better relationship with my self, more patience for others, less stress, less negative internal monologue, and when it occurs I can meet it with kindness. I had been practicing various forms of mindfulness meditation but hadn’t learned to give my self much care. With Loving kindness practice I have begun to to speak to myself internally in a new way, and really see myself and my mind change, I have hope after years of uncertainty about whether it was possible to find more peace and joy in my life. It is a true gift that I can effect this change myself. Anja and Wiebke are very experienced practitioners of meditation, and also therapists – they are warm and kind. I felt safe to be vulnerable and and to explore difficult emotions and venture to try new practices. Practicing in a group is extremely rewarding. We have the opportunity to share our experiences of the practice and we are mirrors to each other. Reflecting our common fears, hopes, struggles and beautiful lessons. We learn that we are not alone in our experiences. The practice space itself is beautiful, cozy and well maintained, a perfect sanctuary from the busy day and mind. I highly recommend taking the time for yourself, join the next group! I found the experience so moving that I repeated the course, to solidify my practice.”
Shakrah Yves, 33, Software developer (02/2017)
Kursprogramm 2025
Neuer Kurs Mai/Juni 2025
Aufbaukurs Kraftvolles Selbstmitgefühl (Fierce Self-Compassion) - LIVE ONLINE
mit Wiebke Pausch und Anja Benesch​​​​
Der Aubaukurs „Fierce Self-Compassion“ (FSC) Kurs erforscht die kraftvolle, handlungsorientierte Seite des Selbstmitgefühls und bietet sowohl erfahrenden Praktizierenden des Selbstmitgefühls als auch MSC-Lehrenden eine einmalige Gelegenheit, tiefer in das Konzept des Fierce Self-Compassion einzutauchen.​
Nur wenn wir beide Aspekte in Einklang bringen, wird es möglich, Selbstmitgefühl auf einer tiefen Ebene erfahren und auch nachhaltige Veränderungen in die Welt zu bringen.​​​Der Kurs basiert auf der Arbeit von Kristin Neff, Autorin des Buches „Kraftvolles Selbstmitgefühl“
Montag Abends 17:00 - 19:30 Uhr
Ab 04.02.2025
Mit Selbstfreundlichkeit zu mehr Gelassenheit:
Einführungskurs in Achtsames Selbstmitgefühl MSC - Berlin
mit Wiebke Pausch und Anja Benesch​​​​
Bist du bereit, deinem Alltag mit mehr Gelassenheit, Freundlichkeit und innerer Stärke zu begegnen? Der vierwöchige Einführungskurs „Achtsames Selbstmitgefühl“ lädt dich ein, die Grundlagen einer Praxis kennenzulernen, die dein Leben nachhaltig verändern kann.
Dienstags 18:30 – 20:45 Uhr
Termine: 4.,11.,18. und 25. Februar 2025​
Ab 20.03.2025
Basiskurs Achtsames Selbstmitgefühl (MSC) für die LSBTIQ+ Community.
mit Wiebke Pausch​ und Markus Bohlmann
Der Kurs Achtsames Selbstmitgefühl (MSC) bietet einen achtsamen und unterstützenden Raum für Menschen aus der LSBTIQ+ Community, in dem du lernst, dir selbst mit Freundlichkeit und Mitgefühl zu begegnen – unabhängig von äußeren Erwartungen oder Urteilen. Achtsames Selbstmitgefühl stärkt deine Resilienz, hilft dir, negative Gedanken und Selbstkritik loszulassen, und fördert ein tiefes Gefühl der Selbstannahme.
Dieser Kurs unterstützt dich darin, inmitten von den alltäglichen Herausforderungen ein liebevolles, starkes Selbst zu kultivieren – für mehr Selbstvertrauen und ein erfüllteres Leben.
​Dieser MSC Kurs ist anerkannt als eine der Voraussetzungen für die MSC Lehrendenausbildung.
20.März - 22.Mai 2025.
Jeden Donnerstag von 18:30 - 21:00.
Kurspause am 17.4. und 24.4. Folge gerne unserer Einladung am Donnerstag Abend, mal "Nichts" zu tun und einfach mal zu "Sein" :) )
Vertiefendes Retreat 12.4. von 10:00-13:00Uhr
Ab 25.03.2025
Frühlingserwachen - Dich von innen heraus stärken und wachsen !
Basiskurs Achtsames Selbstmitgefühl MSC​ - LIVE ONLINE
mit Wiebke Pausch​
​Der Frühling symbolisiert Neuanfang, Wachstum und Erneuerung. Es ist eine Zeit, in der die Natur aufblüht und uns dazu einlädt, auch in unserem Inneren Platz für Neues zu schaffen. Ein Kurs in Achtsamem Selbstmitgefühl im Frühling hilft dir, diese Jahreszeit der Erneuerung zu nutzen, um dich selbst liebevoll zu unterstützen und dich mit frischer Klarheit neu auszurichten.
​Dieser MSC Kurs ist anerkannt als eine der Voraussetzungen für die MSC Lehrendenausbildung.
Dienstag vormittags von 10:00 - 12:30 Uhr
25.März - 01./08./15./29.April - 06./13./20.Mai 2025
(Kurspause 23.04.)
Retreattag: Samstag 10.05.25 von 10:00 bis 14:00
Stimmen von Kursteilnehmenden:​​
So ganz ohne Leistungsdruck oder Forderungen an uns Teilnehmende, das war beeindruckend.
- Stefan, Oktober 23
Ich fand den Kurs sehr gut und das Online Format gut gelungen. Die Zusammensetzung aus Übungen, Hintergrundinformationen und Austausch in der großen oder kleinen Gruppe fand ich sehr stimmig. Den Retreat-Tag empfand ich wie eine richtige kleine Auszeit, aus der ich viel mitnehmen konnte.
- Kursteilnehmerin, März 23
Mich hat der Aufbau des Kurses beeindruckt und die damit verbundenen Erkenntnisschritte. Die Verbindung aus Wissensvermittlung, Übungsanleitung, Meditation und mitfühlendem Austausch ist für mich sehr nachhaltig.
- Kursteilnehmerin, Februar 23
Wiebke hat mir ihrer ruhigen Ausstrahlung den Raum wunderbar gehalten. Sie vermittelt das Wissen und die Übungen sehr authentisch und einfühlsam.
- Kursteilnehmerin, Februar 23
Ich bin dankbar für den offenen, wertschätzenden und mitfühlenden Raum, den Wiebke als Anleiterin geöffnet und gehalten hat. Ich fühle mich sehr inspiriert, mir selbst liebevoller zu begegnen und mich regelmäßig an das Nährende im Leben zu erinnern und eine neue, wohltuende Ausrichtung zu finden.
- Sophie, Februar 23
Das gefiel mir besonders gut: Die kurzen Übungen, die Verbindung mit dem Körper durch Berührung + Umarmung, die schöne Gruppenatmospäre, die Du hergestellt hast, die absolute Freiwilligkeit, die Du immer wieder unterstrichen hast.
Ich bin sehr froh, den Kurs gemacht zu haben. Ich bin wieder ein Stückchen nachsichtiger mit mir und mir wieder ein Stückchen mehr eine gute Freundin geworden. Die Leichtigkeit von MSC hat mir sehr gut gefallen.
- Kursteilnehmerin, Januar 23
Für mich hat mein Weg durch den Kurs gerade erst begonnen. Ich habe tatsächlich das Gefühl gefunden zu haben, was ich viele Jahre suchte: eine Gegenstimme zu meinen inneren Kritiker*innen und meinem Perfektionismus.
- Sarah, Mai 22
Liebe Wiebke, mir gefiel insbesondere deine ehrliche glaubwürdige Art, dein realistischer Blick auf die Dinge, du bist einfach präsent. Man spürt den langen Weg innerer Arbeit, den du gegangen bist, in dem, was du sagst und wie du bist. Man spürt die Ernsthaftigkeit, mit der du Wissen/Weisheit vermittelst. Man spürt die Liebe zum gemeinsamen Menschsein.
Herzlichen Dank!
- Kursteilnehmerin, Mai 22
Weitere Informationen zu MSC
Der achtsame Weg zur Selbstliebe. Christopher Germer (2009) Arbor Verlag.
Selbstmitgefühl. Kristin Neff (2011) Kailash Verlag.
HIER ist ein aktueller Artikel (2023) zu Selbstmitgefühl aus der TK Zeitung
Interview mit der deutschen Psychologin und MSC-Ausbildern Christine Brähler
Artikel zum Thema Mitgefühl und Mitgefühlstraining auf Spektrum der Wissenschaft
Luise Reddemann im Interview: Mitgefühl, wie wir es lernen können
Lienhard Valentin über das Elternsein und Achtsames Selbstmitgefühl​
Text von Chris Germer, Mit-Entwickler von MSC beim Harvard Business Review (Englisch)
TED talk von Kristin Neff, Mit-Entwicklerin von MSC auf Youtube (Englisch)
Ausbildung zur/m MSC Lehrenden
Weitere Informationen über die : https://www.msc-selbstmitgefuehl.org/msc/ausbildun