With a tender heart we begin naturally to respond to the world around us with clarity and compassion.
Wiebke Pausch
Mindful Self-Compassion
Embodied Inquiry
Creative Art Therapy

About Me
I was born in 1965 in Oberfranken and left Germany when I was young. I discovered various ways of living in different european countries. These opportunities taught me over and over again to find home in myself and to widen my perspective on life. Since 2016 I have been living with my daughter in Berlin.
My therapeutic work is inspired by my love for creativity, meditation and exploration. I have been accompanying people as a therapist since 2008, offering individual therapy and group work in English, German and French.
I have practised meditation for the last 20 years, mainly in the Buddhist Tradition.
I am assisting my teacher Martin Aylward.
I am guiding Meditationretreats in France and Germany.
Important Studies and Training:
Authorized Fierce Self-Compassion Teacher https://centerformsc.org/
u.lab: Leading Change in Times of Disruption
u.lab: Leading From the Emerging Future
Finding Awakening with Christiane Michelberger
Trained Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher https://centerformsc.org/
Retreat Assistance Martin Aylward
Training “Meditation and Psychotherapy” (online) with Tara Brach
Seminars Safi Nidiaye “Körperzentrierte Herzensarbeit”
Certified Art Therapist - Zukunftswerkstatt Therapie Kreativ
Reiki / Essenzhealing
Non-violent communication M. Rosenberg
5 Rhythm Dance nach Gabrielle Roth
Performance Group QUE ES, Eus (F)
Project Art Cru, Toulouse (F)
Exhibitions Toulouse (Paintings & sculpture)

06.01.24 - 24.02.25 (DE)
Aufbaukurs Kraftvolles Selbstmitgefühl
mit Wiebke Pausch und Anja Benesch
Montags von 18:30-21:00Uhr
20.03. - 22.05.2025 (DE)
Basiskurs Achtsames Selbstmitgefühl (MSC) für die LSBTIQ+ Community.
mit Wiebke Pausch​ und Markus Bohlmann
Donnerstag von 18:30 - 21:00.
Informationen und Anmeldung hier
25.03. - 20.05.2025 (DE)
Frühlingserwachen: Achtsames Selbstmitgefühl für deinen inneren Neuanfang !
Basiskurs Achtsames Selbstmitgefühl MSC​
mit Wiebke Pausch​
Dienstags von 10:00-12:30Uhr